What You Should Know About Dental Bonding For A Chipped Tooth

Did you end up with an embarrassing chipped tooth after falling on the ground? The best way to get your tooth repaired is via dental bonding, a cosmetic dentistry procedure, as it will give you fast results that you will love. Find out below about dental bonding to determine if it is what you want, as well as how affordable the procedure is estimated to be.

Why is Dental Bonding an Ideal Option for Repairing a Chipped Tooth?

The most beneficial aspect of getting a chipped tooth repaired via dental bonding is that the procedure can be done in as little as 30 minutes or more. Dental bonding will give your chipped tooth a natural look due to the color of the composite resin that is used. You will also find dental bonding ideal because no anesthesia is needed due to the procedure being painless.

Basically, the dentist will begin the dental bonding process by making the enamel of your chipped tooth rough with a tool. Roughening your tooth with a dental tool will lead to a small amount of enamel loss. After the dentist is satisfied with the roughness of the enamel, he or she will place a conditioning product on the tooth. The next step will involve the dentist applying the composite resin and forming it into a natural shape that resembles nearby teeth. He or she can keeping changing the shape until satisfied because the resin will not get hard, as an ultraviolet light must be used to make it hard.

The dentist may tile the resin a little after it is hardened. He or she will also polish your tooth to give it a more natural appearance. The composite resin should remain in place for many years and not fall off when you are eating food. You will have to keep the resin brushed like your natural teeth if you don't want it to get stained.

How Much Does Dental Bonding Procedure Cost?

The dental bonding procedure for a chipped tooth is estimated to cost a minimum of $100. If your chipped tooth is missing a lot of enamel, the price can be as much is $1,000. The complexity of the procedure will have an effect on what you are charged. Due to dental bonding being cosmetic, your dental insurance may not cover the procedure. Talk to a dentist about your chipped tooth to determine if dental bonding is right for you!
