How To Strengthen Your Jaw After Tooth Loss

If you've had one or more missing teeth for a long time, chances are you've noticed a change in the way you look. It's not your imagination - losing one or more teeth changes how your jaw and chin appear. This isn't because there's no longer a tooth holding your mouth open, but because of changes that have occurred under the surface of your gums. If you want to know how to reverse this problem, read on.

Chip Off The Ol'...Tooth? Simple Steps To Repair A Chipped Tooth

Whether damaged during an accident, while playing sports, or after using your teeth as a tool to open a package or bottle, a chipped tooth requires immediate care. Although it may seem small, a chipped tooth allows food and bacteria to build up, increasing your risk of cavities, decay, and gum disease in the future. If you have recently chipped your tooth, use this guide to repair the tooth and prevent further issues that can affect your oral health.

3 Surprising Causes Of Halitosis

Everyone experiences bad breath at one point in time. Whether you have forgotten to brush your teeth, you smoke cigarettes, or you have recently eaten garlic, onions, or fish, you may develop a foul odor in the mouth. Unfortunately, an estimated 25 percent of people suffer from a chronic form of bad breath. Also known as halitosis, chronic bad breath can cause both discomfort and embarrassment. While mostly caused by improper oral hygiene, halitosis may also stem from some surprising conditions.