If you want to enhance the appearance of your smile or you have problems with your bite, you may have considered dental implants. While most dental implant patients enjoy an event-free recovery, those with diabetes may be at risk for implant failure. If you have diabetes, especially poorly managed or long-standing diabetes, discuss your concerns with your implant dentist prior to your procedure. Here are some ways that diabetes can heighten your risk for implant failure and what you can do about them.
Fungal Infections
When blood glucose levels get too high, elevated amounts of sugar can accumulate inside your mouth. Yeast such as candida can feed off of excess sugar concentrations and, because of this, lead to a fungal infection underneath your implants.
If you develop white patches on your tongue that can be scraped off, or if they bleed easily, let your implant dentist know. He or she may prescribe an antifungal medication to treat the infection. If oral yeast infections are left to progress because they have not been recognized and treated, implant failure may result because of extensive tissue damage. Your implants may need to be removed so that your surgical sites can properly heal from the infection.
Poor Wound Healing
Diabetes can cause poor circulation, which may lead to poor wound healing. If your implant sites fail to heal after your procedure, deep tissue damage may develop. If not treated promptly, a diabetes-related dental infection may lead to destruction of the bones that support your implants. When circulation is poor because of diabetes, wound healing slows because blood flow is diminished to the surgical sites.
When this happens, your implants may need to be removed so that the areas can heal. If bone and tissue damage is extensive, your dentist may refer you to a oral and maxillofacial surgeon, a dentist who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of bone and soft tissue disorders of the oral cavity.
You will also need to make an appointment with your endocrinologist, who will check your blood sugar levels. If found to be very high, you may need a medication adjustment, lose weight, increase your exercise routine, and strictly follow your diabetic therapeutic diet. These interventions will help stabilize your blood sugar levels and improve your circulation so that the next time you undergo a dental procedure, you will be less likely to experience complications.
If you have diabetes, work with both your physician and dentist to get more info. When you work with both of these healthcare professionals, you will be less likely to experience implant failure as a result of hyperglycemia, severe infections, and poor circulation.