2 Reasons Your Child Has Severe Bad Breath Every Day?

If your child wakes up every morning with severe halitosis or experiences halitosis during the day, you may wonder why they have bad breath at such a young age. Although halitosis is something most adults and teens go through at some point in their lives, young children can also develop bad breath over time. Halitosis can affect children who have decayed teeth, plaque buildup, and even problems with their tonsils. Here are reasons your little one has severe morning breath and how you can improve it.

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is one of the key reasons small children develop bad breath. Cavities can trap food inside them. If your child doesn't brush their permanent and primary teeth properly, the trapped food can attract odor-producing bacteria. Bacteria can also spread to your child's healthy teeth and decay them as well. 

If your child does have small cavities in their teeth, contact your nearest dental office and request help for your loved one. A dentist can clean, sanitize, and fill your child's decayed teeth. If your loved one's teeth are weak, a dentist may cap, or crown, them. Caps will prevent food and plaque from decaying your loved one's teeth in the future.

A dental office may also want to clean your loved one's teeth two times a year, which is generally every six months or sooner. Dental cleanings not only keep your child's teeth sparkling clean and free of cavities, but cleanings may also help a dentist detect other things that can cause bad breath. One of these things is gum disease.

Pediatric Gum Disease

Plaque doesn't always cause cavities in children. The sticky substance can also cause gum disease, or periodontal disease, as well. If you or your child doesn't remove plaque properly during the day, it eventually changes into a tough, rock-like substance called tartar. Tartar can lurk above or below your child's gum line, or it can hide in the crevices behind your loved one's teeth. Eventually, tartar develops on the surfaces of your child's teeth roots.

Gum inflammation can cause many different symptoms. But unless your child complains that something's wrong with their gums, you might ignore some of the symptoms periodontal disease causes. In the beginning, periodontal disease causes mild problems in your loved one's gums. For instance, the gum tissue surrounding your child's teeth might appear dark pink and slightly swollen. Your loved one might also notice small flecks of blood in their saliva or toothpaste as well.

Once gum disease progresses, your child's teeth might loosen up or wiggle. Your loved one may also complain of pain when they bite or chew something hard, such as celery, meat, or apples. Your child's breath may smell extraordinary bad in the morning or at the end of the day. The odor may be due to a buildup of bacteria and infection.

If your child experiences issues like those above, take them to a dentist. A dentist can determine whether your child has gum disease or something else. If your child only has bad breath and not periodontal disease, a dentist can rule out other conditions that cause halitosis, such as tonsillitis, diabetes, and respiratory infections. In this case, a dental office may refer your loved one to a regular pediatrician for care.

If your child exhibits all the signs of gum disease, a dentist may place them on a treatment plan. Your loved one's treatment plan may involve you cleaning your child's teeth and gums periodically. Your child may also need to use a softer toothbrush. Some types of toothbrushes can aggravate the gums or make them susceptible to gum inflammation.

If you're concerned about your young child's chronic bad breath, don't hesitate to speak to a dentist today.
