What To Expect After Getting Dental Veneers

If you're like most people, your appearance is very important to you, and this means that you want your smile to be as white and bright as possible. Fortunately, modern dental technology has made it possible for virtually everyone to have the dazzling smile of their dreams. For instance, there are plenty of over-the-counter options for those whose teeth simply need a bit of extra help, and in-office treatments for those with more serious staining exist as well. However, in some cases, these treatments simply aren't enough, but that doesn't mean that those with severely stained teeth have no choice but to live with the situation.

If you or someone who love has teeth that are so badly stained that the usual treatments won't improve the situation, dental veneers might be a workable solution. Veneers present a natural appearance and are available in lighter shades designed to make stained teeth look whiter. They don't need the extensive shaping required of crowns, yet they provide optimal strength and functionality. As an added bonus, veneers are stain-resistant. If you or a loved one is considering getting veneers, you probably have questions about what to expect after they're installed. Here's what you need to know:

The Recovery Process Is Minimal 

If you're like most people, you associate major dental procedures with at least some amount of recovery time that involves a degree of discomfort. However, with veneers, most people can resume most normal eating and drinking activities as soon as the anesthesia used to perform their installation wears off. As the anesthesia wears off, it's important to be mindful of not chewing on the inside of your mouth or your tongue — some people end up biting themselves in these areas and not realizing it until later. You should also avoid drinking hot beverages until you're entirely certain that the anesthesia has worn off completely — otherwise, you may wind up with burns on your tongue and in the inside of your mouth.  Because the process of installing veneers involves removing your tooth enamel, you may experience heightened sensitivity to hot and cold food and beverage items.

Veneers Don't Need Any Special Care

Dental veneers require the same care as natural teeth. You should brush and floss at least twice per day, and even though they're stain-resistant, you should take care to either avoid foods and beverages that cause stains or be prepared to brush your teeth after indulging in these items. At the very least, you should rinse your mouth out thoroughly with water in the event that it is not possible for you to brush your teeth. Keep in mind that just because veneers are constructed from stain-resistant material doesn't mean that they won't stain at all. You can reduce the chances of this happening if you drink stain-causing beverages such as coffee, red wine, and juices or smoothies containing dark berries such as blackberries and blueberries through a straw. 

It's also important for those who've been fitted with dental veneers to avoid directly chewing on hard items such as candy, raw vegetables, and dense fruits such as apples and pairs with their front teeth — cut these items into small bits and use your back teeth for any chewing required. 

You May Need to Wear a Night Guard

Those with a propensity to grind their teeth in their sleep will probably need to wear a night guard in order to protect their dental veneers. Soft night guards provide padding that serves to protect your teeth from contact with one another that happens when you grind your teeth while sleeping. These are comfortable to wear and non-constricting. 

Your local dental care professional can provide you with more information on whether veneers are the right choice for you. Contact a clinic like R2 Center for Dentistry for more information.
