As your child enters their teen years, you may not only need to start thinking about orthodontics, but wisdom tooth extractions as well. While most teens start seeing wisdom tooth development between the ages of seventeen and twenty-five, there have been cases of early eruption at about fourteen.
If the teeth are impacted, they can only be seen on an X-ray, so it's important to visit your dentist regularly so you know when your child's wisdom teeth have come in.
Teeth are something that people see when you smile, talk, or anytime your lips aren't sealed shut. If your smile is giving you stress, and you want to straighten it but don't want to wear braces, it's time to get educate about your options. There are many choices for braces that don't look like braces, and that can greatly improve your confidence. You want to find a cosmetic specialist and talk about these things so that you can get the straight and beautiful smile that you wish was yours.
Whether you wear clear braces or metal braces, your gums need to healthy in order for your dental appliances to "work their magic." While many cases of gum pain are attributed to gingivitis, there are other, less common causes. Here are three reasons you may be experiencing gum pain and what you can do about them:
Sinus Infection
If you experience nasal congestion, post nasal drip, a bad taste in your mouth, or loss of smell, you may have a sinus infection.
Are you currently experiencing dental pain? Have you been told that you may need a root canal but you've been putting it off? Nobody really likes going to the dentist but the thought of it can be even worse if you're in need of significant treatment. While there is currently no way to completely avoid needing to go to the dentist, there are definitely ways to at least make it less unpleasant and to make the recovery process easier.
A dental crown covers the natural crown of a tooth and is quite versatile. Here is a bit of information about dental crowns and their uses.
Dental Crowns Are Made From a Variety of Substances
Dental crowns may be made from a number of different substances, depending on the needs of the dental patient. Pediatric patients are typically fitted with dental crowns that are fashioned from stainless steel. The stainless steel crowns tend to be inexpensive and effective.